Month: March 2013

Notes in the Margin: The Library of the Future

Notes in the Margin: The Library of the Future

By Carol Feltes Yes! Somebody “gets” it…The library of the future. The changing technological landscape is changing the way we share, process, and store information, and libraries are evolving to match this change. Tim O’Reilly’s blog  Tools for Change in Publishing (TOC) is exactly what […]

Notes in the Margin: Moonbird

Notes in the Margin: Moonbird

By Carol Feltes For the birders among us….. Here is a good read suitable for the layman.  Moonbird  by Phillip Hoose is the story of the rufa red knot. Regional birders know that, for many migratory birds traveling the eastern flyway, areas of the New […]

Evolution by Aesthetic Design

Evolution by Aesthetic Design

By Maryam Zaringhalam, @thisisartlab Biological evolution is the change in gene frequencies in populations over successive generations through forces like mutation, natural selection, and genetic drift. But at its most basic conceptual level, evolution is simply change over time. Since life is not stagnant, but perpetually […]

Jumping species: How HIV entered our world

Jumping species: How HIV entered our world

By Laura Seeholzer Have you ever wondered what mysteries primate poop could unlock? No? Me neither. But luckily, Dr. Beatrice Hahn did. Dr. Hahn was deeply curious about the origin and evolution of HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) so, naturally, her path lead to poop. Don’t […]